What makes #region3theplacetobe?

By Margie Wallington, Region III Student Leader

If you’ve been to a collegiate recreation event in Region III, you’ve probably heard someone say, “Region III is the place to be!” Of course we love where we live, work and play whether it’s in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, or Ontario, but what really makes Region III […]

2021-06-25T20:08:16-07:00January 11, 2017|Categories: Feature, Region III Exclusive|

Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin Seek State Student Leaders for 2017-2018

Students, consider standing for office in one of our many state associations! You will work directly with professionals and students in the field at the state and regional level.


State Student Leader Applications now open. The deadline to apply is Friday, February 3rd at 11:59pm.  All application materials must be sent to […]

2021-06-25T20:08:16-07:00January 11, 2017|Categories: Feature, Region III Exclusive|

NIRSA voting and elections: Member Network and Bylaws

NIRSA members will have the opportunity to vote in the upcoming elections starting on January 18, 2017. Our region has two positions available: the Region III Representative, and Region III Student Leader.

Also, the proposed bylaw amendments will be voted on by all members.

Region III Representative Candidate: Scott Vandermoon

Region III Student Leader Candidate: Kenton Elworth

Region III […]

2021-06-25T20:08:16-07:00December 19, 2016|Categories: Feature, Region III Exclusive|

2017 Region III Student Lead On to be hosted at The Ohio State University

Recently, the Region III Student Lead On Planning Committee met in Columbus, OH at the Ohio State University. Friendships were forged, ideas were cast, plans were made and Pokemon were captured.

The 2017 Student Lead On Coordinator, Andrea Collins hails from Ohio State University – the conference location – but is originally from San Francisco, California. She […]

2021-06-25T20:08:16-07:00July 26, 2016|Categories: Feature, Region III Exclusive|
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